River Therapy. It's a real thing.
Due to life, and "adulting," we haven't been able to get out on the river in about a week. It's been a long week. It's funny how you start to feel almost claustrophobic when you haven't hit the water in a while.
There Are Going to Be Days Like This
It's supposed to be 67 degrees. It's been in the 30s at night so you know there's going to be a hatch once the sun comes out.
You fall asleep dreaming of dry flies and slurps on the surface.
You wake up worried about having the right size, color, enough because you're about over nymphing. As the sun hits the sky you hit the water. You were right, there are bugs everywhere, in so many sizes you can hardly believe it.
Patience, Persistance, Diligence, and Attention to Detail
If you've read my blog you know that the chance of losing our Public Lands has weighed heavy on me for several months now. When you spend the majority of your time in them, the fear is almost all consuming.
Then the Quiet Came
The past few weeks, months, have been loud. There's been a constant flow of changes, information, confrontation, and anxiety. Granted, I'm partly to blame for this noise due to my perpetual listening to NPR; although, I very much enjoyed the piece on eating a taco every day.
It's been getting more difficult to "quiet the noises" with the influx of negative opinions and biases formed and executed through social media. The anxiety of life had started to become so crippling (probably self-inflicted) that enjoying the little things began to get difficult.
Concerns of Men
I feel like a great many people have been concerned this week, primarily about the future. I'm one of those people.
The concerns of men often get in the way of living, have a way of creeping up and consuming our minds, therefore consuming our lives.
There's Got to be a Trout in There
Yesterday we were taught our place.