Cane Gathering And a Mill
Originally Published April 27, 2017
For quite some time now I've been surrounded and, by association, completely immersed in the world of bamboo rods.
Many, if not most, of Jacob's friends, are also builders or at least bamboo collectors and aficionados. Thus, I hear about this craft a lot. A LOT!
This week Jacob and I attended the Carolina Cane Gathering which gathers once a year to talk, fish, cast etc... bamboo.
One of the presenters, a good friend of ours, Aaron, spoke about a mill that he's spent a good portion of his time over the past year building and perfecting. He asked me if I would take some photos for the talk as it is far too large to move and in far too small of a room to gather a group of people.
Since the presentation has been made and the event was over I found it appropriate to share a few of these photos as well as a short video of the mill operating.