Well-Read Wednesday {A Mystery}
Happy Halloween, everyone! While everyone else is posting photos of wonderfully carved out pumpkins and clever costumes, I'm afraid the best I can do is 'introduce' you to a mystery.
Several years ago I was urged to read The Royal Wulff Murders by Keith McCafferty, or any of his books. I declined. The idea of a whodoneit mystery with a bit of the wild west and fly fishing thrown in came across as a bit kitschy to me. Maybe it would be 'entertaining,' but I like to think I need more substance to my books for them to be worth it.
A few months ago, while poking around Thrift Books, I stumbled upon Cold Hearted River.
"Montana's favorite detective finds himself on the trail of Ernest Hemingway's missing streamer trunk."
Hemingway? Streamer trunk? Ok, I'll give it a try.
Cold Hearted River follows 'Montana's favorite detective,' Sean Stranahan on his search for the ghost of Ernest Hemingway.
*Ok, maybe not the actual ghost, but hey, it's Halloween and I've got to get your attention!
Speeding through the book, much faster than I anticipated, I came to chapter 10, “Pinky Gillum's Little Finger.” If you know, you know! I ended up finishing the book at about two o'clock that morning.
So, when you're up at midnight because of a sugar high from eating your kids' candy, buy yourself a copy of Cold Hearted River! I'm so hooked I've purchased everything from The Royal Wulff Murders to A Death in Eden. Turns out, a little whodoneit is good for everyone!