Between Two Banks

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The Year That Was {2018}


A Few Fiberglass Rods

Guide’s day off

Catching a years worth of big fish

Found a winter day to throw our favorite dry fly

Built a bamboo rod

Spent some warmer days on our favorite small water


Found some baby brownies

Went chasing waterfalls

Fished with Stella …

And Chris

Spent days in the sunshine up high in the mountains

Played with all the brook trout

Started another fiberglass rod


Found ourselves back in Colorado

And caught all the cutthroat

Saw all the wildflowers

We soaked up all the views

Made new friends (then stole photos off their facebook)

Caught my first trout on a boo

Found some new places to explore

Caught a few more cutties, just for good measure


Sewed up all the rod bags (actually, I did that all year, but I’m bad at photographing them)

Spent a few hours getting lost between the rain drops

Donated another rod to Casting Carolinas

Fished in shorts

Caught a few brookies in a larger size

Then we hunkered down thanks to rain and finished a few rods, like this…

And this…

And this one, too

We found moments to spend on the water during the chaos of fall

Thanks for following along with all our adventures this year, we hope you’ve enjoyed being a part of them. We’re sure glad to have you here!

Happy New Year to you all! Treasure what has passed and look forward to the adventure ahead.

I have a feeling 2019 is going to be one hell of a year!