Starting The Year Off Right
During the beginnings of this year, the rod shop at the Between Two Banks' household has been busy, partly from the inclement weather, but mostly due to work. A few of the projects include two C. Barclay fiberglass blanks, a few bamboo blanks in the process of being planed out, and most recently a commission build.
A few months ago, when the order for this rod was first placed, it was decided that this would be an original taper. There were many conversations, lot's of math, and a few sleepless nights, but in time a taper was born. Soon, demo blanks were being built and yard casting in 20 degrees began. Eventually, it all came together with a list of Between Two Banks signature tapers and finished 7'9" five weight.
Jacob's fingerprints (not literal finger-prints. come on, people) are all over this rod, from the blonde cane to maple reel seat to distinct warm thread wraps.
I joke around a lot about the amount of time in my life I spend talking about bamboo. Don't get me wrong, it's not an exaggeration. One example was an afternoon reading out different numbers, from separate makers, for hours while trying to develop these tapers. Yes, it can be exhausting sometimes, annoying as hell, and even a little redundant, but it's always worth it in the end.
I was privileged enough to witness this build from beginning to end, I hope you'll enjoy taking a look at the finished product!
If you've got any questions about this build, any other, or even just to talk rods, please feel free to shoot Jacob an email!