How To Take A Walk In The Woods
Get a good nights sleep. Dream of 18-inch rainbows and uncharted waters, hatches, and sunshine.
Wake up early to a good pot of coffee. Drink it all and pack more for the ride, it's going to be a long one.
Meet up with a fellow angler, meet up with the second down the road.
Drive around for a while, check out a pull-off or two, decide on a spot you noticed a while back.
Gear up. Full regalia. Waders, boots, wading staff, pack, camera, water bottle, snacks, beer, everything.
Don't forget your 8' 6" fly rod, forget the 7', the longer rod will be much better.
Check out the map and try to find a "You are Here" sticker. Don't worry about it when you don't.
Start walking up the hill. This should only be a quick 20 min hike.
After 30 minutes, listen for water. Nothing.
Ask if anyone knows where they are.
Ask if we've passed this tree before.
Walk a little further, you're pretty sure that's water you hear in the distance.
Come to a halt, there are the cars up ahead. You've just completed a one-hour circle.
Try a different trail.
Keep walking, that's definitely water you hear.
Finally, find the river. Well, more like a creek or trickle. That's it, trickle creek, under a tunnel of laurels.
You bushwhack, with your 8' bamboo fly rod and a net on your back to get into the water.
You'll have to walk upstream to find a hole big enough to plop a fly in.
Oh, there's a bug!
Bushwhack your way back out, straight uphill, in search of bigger water. It's got to get better downstream, maybe by the waterfall.
When you reach the trail take off your pack and sit down. Crack open your beer, you deserve it.
Start back down the trail, it's got to get better.
Hey look, there's the sun!
Stumble onto a promising hole and very clumsily, get your fly in there.
Try again, without getting caught in the laurels.
One more time, you've almost mastered that bow and arrow cast.
Keep walking.
Decide to head back to the car, maybe if you drive around you can find some better water.
Walk back to the car and notice how pretty it is here, at least you've got that going for you.
Check your GPS watch when you get to the car, your 20-minute hike has turned into four miles, with no fish and it's getting late.
Decide that your local brewery is a better option. Have a couple of beers, you deserve it.
Note, over said beers, that today was a good day to take a walk in the woods.