During college, I took a studio class. It was meant to teach us about artificial lighting, present products in an agreeable way and refine our commercial skills. While I enjoyed the nitty-gritty details surrounding light, I was positively uninspired by the cleanliness of it all. At one point I decided that I would try to bring the 'outdoors' in, photographing my trusty backpack, hiking boots, and camp stove against a stark white background with beautifully even light. The photographs were good, but my product was a little too "dingy," or so I was told.
Read moreFly Shop Days
Fly shops aren't simply retail stores.
They're places you hang out, gain knowledge, meet fellow anglers, and most of all, commune with your own kind.
Read moreWild Friendships
Picking out friends to fish wild water with is a bit like choosing your Survivor "tribe." These are people you know won't crack a joke when you slip off a rock or criticize your casting when you get hung in a laurel. They might even lend you a hand when bouldering up a waterfall. You know this because they will also slip, get stuck, and need a hand, as most of us do. Your friends will get to see you in all your embarrassing glory, from the funny dances you perform to try and stay in the upright position to your squatting positions, usually behind a large rock or tree.
They'll see every misstep up close. You'll share snacks and bourbon, stories and runs, and all the embarrassing moments in between.
Here's To You, Ma!
She spends her life in a fifth wheel taking care of three dogs, a cat, and my dad traveling the country.
She’s swapped out designer clothes for a Piggly Wiggly hoodie.
She thinks getting up at eight is way too early.
Her money is now spent on adventure gear and at every new restaurant she comes across.
Wine is a precious commodity.
Afternoon Thunderstorms and Fishing Mysteries
2:00 pm. Everyday. Thunderstorms.
According to those who are "in-the-know" about the weather, I live in a rainforest. We get just enough rain to classify us as such, and most years it keeps the fishing up. It also keeps the grass, bugs, and humidity up, but the pollen stays down so I guess it's an even trade-off.
Read moreRemember, It's Not All About the Fish
When you're staring at a computer screen for multiple hours straight you begin to get dull ache behind eyes that are strained and on the verge of crossing. I had just reached that point. January 2017, sub-folder, Davidson, sub-folder, 1-23-17; then on to 2016, 2015, and so forth. Some part of me had no idea how many photographs I had acquired over the years, another part was fully aware, which is why I'd been putting this project off for so long.
I was asked by the Carolina Cane Gathering to give a talk on photography and fly fishing, and I needed to pull all my thoughts together in a visually interesting way. Look for triangles. Avoid direct sunlight; remember, all things on the river are reflective. Don't hold a tout with dry hands. Don't hold a trout with gloved hands. "Banking" fish is bad. Etc, etc, etc...
Remember, it's not all about the fish.
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