Conversations About Rods
There's not a day that goes by where Jacob and I don't discuss rod building, doesn't matter if we're out to eat or out fishing a beautiful creek; we will compare reel seats, match guides, mentally plane a rod, or complain about a scarce thread for wrapping. These are regular days, in typical situations.
Now, imagine if you will, what happens when you're stuck in the house with nothing to do but build rods. Sidenote: unless you live under a rock you know that the Southeast was covered in snow this weekend.
I'm going to assume that we're all on the same page.
Snow days allow me a rare look at what exactly it is that Jacob and I are discussing day in and day out. More often than not I'm just a sounding board, which is okay, but this inevitably leads to my answers consisting of "uh-huh" and "yup."
I'm not a rod builder and never will be. I like to think I know more than most, but far less than some.
What I am entirely sure of is this: once you become a rod builder you also become a drinker, and this also applies to the partner of a rod builder.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to cut this post short to have a conversation about forms, final numbers, and sharpening blades.