It's late afternoon. I can see the hummingbirds swarming around their feeder from my desk. The chipmunks are running around the yard without a care in the world. There's a lizard stuck to my sliding door. I'm writing this from my desk, in my office, in my house.
Over the past year, Jacob and I have survived life in a 27' trailer. We finished the entirety of our home, from drywall to tile to cabinets. We had no earthly idea what we were doing. We managed to make it through quarantine and a pandemic, all while living in the said trailer. We came out on the other side.
And now we learn how to venture back out into our "old" lives. We learn how to adventure and fish and worry less about everything.
If I've learned anything through this incredibly difficult period, it's that honestly, the work can wait. Just walk away. Every second that I was stuck in that trailer during quarantine, all I kept thinking was, "why the hell didn't I get out last year?'
Because it's genuinely those small moments that can keep you going through the most trying times, it might be the memory of your largest fish in some exotic location, or maybe your smallest from your backyard stream. But, those are the things that get you through the toughest situations.
And so, Jacob and I are wading back into it, one step at a time, high water and all.